Motivational Moments with Maria

High Performance Success Factors

Maria Bradfield

It’s always my intent to bring you something of value to energize, inspire, or motivate you to reach new levels of performance. It may be something in your personal life or professional life and this week is no exception……because I believe we all need someone cheering us on to be better each and every day. Have you ever wondered what the factors are that predict your success and the success of high performing individuals? It’s a great question so I gathered up the research and identified the top 10 factors that predict success. Hang with me here my friends. Here’s the thing….. We are getting near the end of the year and this is an incredible time to review, reflect and ask yourself again. What you may have thought success was a year ago is different for you today. You all know I love questions and ask a lot of them. This week is no exception and with the end of the year approaching, this is a great time to reflect, review and reset. First what is success? It’s different for everyone. What does it mean to you? One of my favorite mentors Jim Rohn defines it this way….. “Success is the steady progression of a worthwhile goal. The person you want to be. The things you want to have for yourself and for your family. The goals that give you satisfaction and joy.” I want YOU to define what it is you really want, and then make it so. What does success look like for you? What does a good, successful relationship look like to you? What does a successful career look like to you? What does a healthy body look like to you? Get CLEAR on this! You want to be able to touch it, smell it, taste it. When you get so clear on your success vision you can feel it, and your brain can’t help but desire it! You activate your RAS and then those little neurons go to work. So let’s talk about the 10 success factors.