Motivational Moments with Maria

Be Happy

Maria Bradfield

 I challenge myself every week to stay focused and obsessed about personal growth and positive psychology studies. 

I really believe we all need someone cheering us on to be better each and every day and If I can encourage just one of you to be or do a little better then, I am one happy Wisdom Warrior. 

It’s October my friends and that means every day in October I wear pink to honor the men and women who we have lost to Breast Cancer and to those who have survived breast cancer. It’s a horrible disease and I encourage each of you to get yourself checked this month.

 It affects both men and women. Give yourself the gift of a self-check. I am grateful blessed to have survived this disease twice and let me tell you, it has not been fun. So that’s my soapbox for today. 

I have deemed October self-care month so STOP whatever you are doing and perform a quick self-check on yourself. So here is a question for you to ponder this week. 

Why are some people more successful in their careers than others? 

Why is it that some people grow, flourish, get promoted, move ahead rapidly, and enjoy greater satisfaction in their lives and careers? 

Is the person who earns $250,000 per year ten times smarter, better or more capable than the person who earns $25,000. Absolutely not. 

That’s Rubbish! Research clearly shows that successful people think differently. Everything matters to them including what they say to themselves.