Motivational Moments with Maria

Communication Presents in Many Ways

January 22, 2024 Maria Bradfield

Meet Karol V. Brown. Karol is the author of two books, The first book was, “30 Lessons in Love, Leadership, and Legacy from Harriet Tubman”, which presented 30 lessons that taught readers about the character and strengths that Karol feels Harriet Tubman shows in her life stories.

Karol says, “Harriet Tubman’s stories demonstrate her leadership traits like brilliant communication skills, teamwork, and compassionate servant-leadership. She believes we all need Sheroes!

Karol’s second book, “The Harriet Tubman Way, An Inspirational Guide to Self-Love, Empowerment and Legendary Leadership for Girls”, includes lessons in self-love and empowerment as well as guidance on being a servant-leader.

An actor and storyteller, Karol started portraying Harriet Tubman, sharing the journey of her life. She has shared Harriet Tubman’s stories as a jovial endearing elderly Aunt Harriet in schools, libraries, on stages, and in other locations.

Karol Brown's infectious energy and genuine care for her audience will inspire you every step of the way. By sharing her own triumphs over adversity, she fuels your belief in your own capacity for growth and change. Fuel your spirit, awaken your voice, and embark on a communication revolution that will leave you empowered, enlightened, and ready to seize new opportunities.

Stay focused, stay positive and always have fun.