Motivational Moments with Maria

Value Respect

Maria Bradfield

Every week is my intent to provide you some insights and thoughts on personal development because we all must be growing every day.  My hope is that you will experience more fulfillment, fun and joy in all areas of your life.  You my friends continue to inspire me.   

Recently, I attended a live conference in Los Angeles.  Like many others across the globe, I had not been to a live event with hundreds of people in years.  The pandemic changed all that.  It was incredible beings surrounded by like-minded individuals who like me, love inspiring others and encouraging them to be the best they can be.  We challenged each other, we grew together, and we learned how to pour more value into our clients.   

I started thinking about this and the people with whom we surround ourselves.  Our tribe is so important for our happiness.  Our tribe inspires us, lifts us up, challenges us, and makes us think, and they encourage us to be the best that we can be.   There was so much mutual respect.   

Do you have these types of people in your life? Have you ever worked around with someone that you truly admired?   I mean they had it all as a leader and it got me thinking about the characteristics of a good leader, manager, coach, friend, and partner.  The one thing is common is mutual RESPECT.